4 mistakes you can (and should) avoid during your divorce


Photo credit: Jonatan Pie

Getting divorced is a financially, socially, and emotionally difficult experience that has lasting ramifications, even in amicable situations. Parties often make this already-difficult process worse by making some common mistakes that hurt a party’s parental rights, their financial settlement, and/or their personal reputation. Consider the following:

Mistake #1: Harassing your ex

During a divorce, emotions run high and judgment can be compromised. This lack of good judgment often leads one party to make threats and the other to make claims of harassment. Maybe it was never your intent to harass but, given the context, that is the end result. Your soon-to-be ex could seek a protective order, which could affect custody of your kids.

Mistake #2: Over sharing on social media

It can feel good to vent about an ex or the divorce process on social media. It can also be tempting to share pictures of yourself going on dates, treating yourself to various luxury purchases, or kicking back with some drinks and a night on the town. However, all of these things can come back to haunt you in court. Before you post anything online, imagine a judge reading your post, or opposing counsel questioning you about it on the witness stand. If it could be misconstrued or make you look bad, reconsider the post.

Mistake #3: Lying about finances

Disclosing assets and liabilities so they can be equitably divided is a complicated and upsetting process. In some cases, people get scared or feel bitter about losing money or specific assets, so they try to hide them or misrepresent their value during a divorce. However, this is unlawful and can have serious financial and legal consequences.

Mistake #4: Leaving yourself unprotected

Divorce is a legal process. There are forms to complete, agreements to negotiate, and disputes to resolve–all of which must all be done in accordance with Minnesota laws. If you do not have the guidance of a legal representative, you could be leaving yourself exposed to unfair settlements, manipulation and rights violations.

Consulting an attorney can help you avoid all these mistakes, which can be invaluable during such a difficult time.
