Antenuptial or prenuptial agreements, commonly referred to as “prenups,” are contracts entered into before marriage. They primarily address financial matters and outline how assets will be divided in the event of a divorce. In some ways, this may seem unromantic....
Family Law
The Emotional Toll of Fighting With an Ex Over Child Support
Divorce and separation bring a wave of emotional challenges, especially when children are involved. One of the most contentious elements of post-separation life often centers on child support. While child support laws are designed to ensure the child’s financial needs...
2 ways that divorce can impact your retirement
If you’re getting divorced, it can have an impact on your plans for future retirement. This is especially an issue if you are 50 years old or older, which is known as a gray divorce. You are getting closer to retirement age, so you need to pay close attention to your...
3 reasons to ask the courts for a child support modification
Child support is a parental responsibility that parents may owe to their children under the law. It is common for the parent paying support to feel angry about that obligation because it generates financial stress for them. The parent receiving the payments may also...
Why Tell Your Child’s School You Are Divorcing?
Being a parent can make divorce even harder because you have your children’s well-being and future to consider, as well as your own. Tapping into your already established resources can help to ease the strain. For example, one of your most important support systems...
Why Mediate Your Divorce?
No divorce is easy, even for spouses who remain amicable. There are various legal arrangements and financial issues to navigate, such as child custody, spousal support, property division and much more. When disputes arise, there are two basic ways to resolve them. The...
Can You Run a Family Business With Your Ex Post-Divorce?
Building a business together with your spouse, perhaps for the purpose of leaving behind a legacy for the next generation, is a power move. However, troubles may arise if your marriage ends in divorce. While your mutual interest in leaving a legacy may remain...
What to Consider With a Post-Divorce Budget
To help transition into your post-divorce life, it can be beneficial to set up a budget. After all, you’re going to experience some financial changes. Many people see their standard of living decline as their income drops after a divorce. But you can adjust your...
3 actions that can jeopardize a custody case
Child custody can be one of the most contentious issues in family law, where the standard is the child's “best interests." Typically, both parents want what's best for their child, but their ideas about what is best may differ. Other times, parents' own emotional...
Which professionals should be on your divorce team?
Divorce can be demanding. Nonetheless, the right professionals can guide you through the process, allowing you a more manageable experience. So, who should be on your team? A therapist Divorce typically results in a wide range of emotions, including guilt, confusion,...