Many questions arise when it comes to divorce, especially when children are involved. One of the most common and often contentious issues is child support. How long are you expected to pay child support after divorce? Perhaps it's not too surprising that, generally...
Family Law
How A Prenuptial Agreement Can Protect the Family Farm
Life for many Minnesota and Wisconsin residents revolves around the family farm. Some have been around for generations. What does this mean for you if you’re getting married? Two words: antenuptial agreement (sometimes called a prenuptial agreement). If you have an...
When Can Grandparents Obtain Visitation Rights in Minnesota?
There is a popular saying that it takes a village to raise a child. No parent can truly manage every responsibility on their own, and they often rely on the community around them to close the gaps between what their children need and what they can personally manage....
My Ex Is Alienating Me From My Child: What Do I Do?
Divorce can be a difficult life experience for anybody, but it can get even harder when children are involved. Amidst the emotional turmoil that comes with divorce, it is not uncommon for one spouse to try to “win over” the children to their side instead of focusing...
2 Things You Can Do When Your Ex Doesn’t Pay Support
Divorce courts strive to make decisions that serve the child's best interest, including decisions regarding child support. If the court ordered your ex-spouse to pay child support, you should be able to rely on those payments to meet your child's needs. But what...
Professionals Who Can Help You Through Divorce
Divorce is complicated and emotionally taxing. Thankfully, no one needs to go through it alone. There are several types of professionals who have been through the process countless times, all of whom can provide support, guidance and counsel to help. Legal...
How Can Do-it-Yourself Divorce Go Wrong?
If you and your partner are divorcing and are committed to keeping it civil, pursuing a do-it-yourself divorce might sound tempting. You might have modest finances or no children or think you see eye-to-eye on all the pertinent issues. However, there are some things...
Postnuptial Agreement Mistakes to Avoid
People often talk about the benefits of creating a prenuptial agreement. Unfortunately, this information could come too late for couples who are already married. If you find yourself in this position, you have options. One of which is a postnuptial agreement. If a...
Important Boundaries to Set as a Divorcing Parent
The divorce process can leave people feeling lost and confused, especially when there was once a sense of stability in the marriage. If you’re considering divorce and your life is in flux, it can be hard to set and keep healthy boundaries. However, it’s boundaries...
What Factors Determine Child Support In Minnesota?
A pending divorce may lead to an assortment of complications, including determining child support. The parent who gains the most parenting time has a great amount at stake, wanting to ensure that he or she receives a fair amount of financial support. In Minnesota, a...