If you are considering purchasing shares in a company, you've probably thought about the perks, but are you also aware of the risks? What are the rights and privileges of a shareholder? And how do you protect these rights once you have them? Before becoming a...
Firm News
Five Reasons Business Owners Need Estate Plans
Business owners are notorious for engrossing themselves in the day-to-day management and functions of their businesses. As a business owner, you are likely the heart and soul of the company you lead. Your clients love you, and you have built unique relationships with...
4 Changes to Minnesota Guardianships and Conservatorships
As of August 1, 2020, there have been some amendments to Minnesota’s Guardianship and Conservatorship laws that promote greater independence for people who are subject to a guardianship or a conservatorship. One of the changes exempts “wages or salary for employment”...
Beware of this New Development with the Use of Transfer on Death Deeds
Transfer on Death Deeds (commonly referred to as TODDs) have become a popular estate planning tool in Minnesota. TODDs, like any other deed, convey real property from one person to another. They are recorded prior to the grantor-homeowner’s death, but do not become...
Graduating Law School in a Pandemic
Completing my final semester of law school was interesting, challenging, and quite monumental—though not for the reasons I had initially expected. The pandemic took over so quickly that Mitchell Hamline had no time to prepare staff and students before closing its...
Success Story: Recovering Life Insurance to Its Rightful Owner
The Problem: A parent who died young left a life insurance policy for the benefit of their infant child. After turning 18, that child was excited to collect the money – held in conservatorship – so he could pay for college without taking out loans. Instead, the child...
If I Get COVID-19, Will My Medical Diagnosis be Kept Private at Work?
When it comes to an employee's medical and health information, employers are generally required to keep it confidential and may not share it with the employee's co-workers. There is, however, an exception that is not often relevant, but is particularly so right now in...
How and Why to Open a Business Account
New business owners often wonder which action items to prioritize when launching a new venture. If you recently started, or are about to start a business, one of the most important steps you should take is to open a business bank account that is separate from your...
Understanding Mask Requirements for Your Business
Operating a business right now is undoubtedly stressful. On top of the challenges of returning to work during a pandemic and potentially struggling with a drop in business, Minnesota business owners must also navigate new mask regulations. Recently, Governor Tim...
Navigating Periods of Uncertainty and Unrest as a Business Owner
Uncertainty and unrest have defined 2020. From COVID-19 and record-breaking unemployment to ideological, political, and societal conflicts, business owners have faced significant challenges to their survival and success. Regardless of their political views, health, or...